HALAL: to be clear; to shine; hence, to make a show, to boast; and thus to be (clamorously) foolish; to rave.
The Halal Ministries of Trinity Life Center is a ministry of worship expressed through the arts. It is comprised of 6 major ministry teams: TLC Praise Team, Prayer Team, Dance Team, Drama Team, PSALM (Praise, Support, Audio, Lighting, and Multimedia), and the Ushers. Together, as creative and technical people of God, our mission is to create a place for God to dwell. The Bible says that God inhabits, or lives in, our praises. So as we lift Him up, He comes into our presence and draws us all unto Himself.
Worship at TLC is designed to engulf the worshipper with a multi-sensory experience. Everything the worshipper sees, hears, feels, and even smells at TLC is part of the worship. We want to take people on a multi-sensory journey into intimacy with Jesus… to literally paint pictures of God with our gifts and put Him on display as the main event, so that all may know Him for who He is, in all of His glory!
Our vision is to lead people into the manifest presence of God, educating them not only on how to get into God’s presence, but also on how to make worship and praise their lifestyle. We desire to break down racial and cultural division through music that reaches everyone. We want to raise up a living, breathing army of worshippers who tear down strongholds through their demonstration of praise every service at TLC.
More About the Ministry Teams
Praise Team
The TLC Praise team is made of three major components: the “frontline” singers, the choir, and the band. The “frontline” is made up of anointed and skillful singers who literally stand on the “front lines” leading the congregation into worship. The choir is a group of sopranos, altos, tenors, and basses, who together make a very powerful sound of praise to God, displaying unity, power, and energy through expression and movement. The band is a group of talented musicians, who through skill and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, play one of the greatest roles in setting the atmosphere for praise and worship in the house.
Prayer Team
The Prayer Team plays a crucial role in one of TLC’s core values: corporate prayer. On a weekly basis, the prayer team meets in the sanctuary to lead a corporate prayer meeting. Every Sunday morning before service, the prayer team meets from 9:45-10:15 to pray over the service and the ministry that is about to take place. Without a doubt, the prayer team stands first in line to pull down strongholds and powers of darkness.
Dance Team
The Dance Team at TLC expresses praise and worship through dancing and by interpreting the lyrics of songs through both choreographed and spontaneous movements. The Dance Ministry plays a vital role in ushering people into expressive worship. By directing their movements and facial expressions towards God, they direct us in like manner to focus our attention on Him.
Drama Team
The Drama Team consists of those who are called and anointed for the stage and theatre arts at TLC for the extension of His kingdom through live and on-stage performances. Auditions are held throughout the year to fill rolls in acting, costuming, lighting, props, technical support, etc. for a variety of stage productions and/or skits.
The Ushers carry a tremendous responsibility in safeguarding the moving of the Holy Spirit in the services. Whether it be assisting with seating, serving the people, or attending to distractions so the attention of the service can remain focused on what God is doing, they are vigilant to keep watch over what is going on at all times.
The PSALM team has an acronym for their name because of everything they do in a service. In short, PSALM stands for Praise/Support/Audio/Lighting/Multimedia. The PSALM Team may play the most important role of all in our efforts to make God a home here at TLC. The skilled personnel, coupled with quality equipment, give Halal a voice. Through multimedia and video, PSALM helps create an atmosphere where all of the senses are engaged. The end result is multi-sensory worship. The sound produced from this house will be heard around the world because of this team of technical ministers.