Join us the last weekend in February to celebrate Pastors James and Brenda McFadden’s 25 years of service at Trinity Life Center. The anniversary celebration weekend is planned as follows:
Friday, February 26th at 7:00 p.m. — Pastor Reva Kasey
Pastor and Prophetess Reva Kasey will be joining us Friday night for service. God has anointed Sister Reva as an instrument of revival in these last days. The burden of her heart is for the lost, and revival fires have started where the Spirit of God has sent her. Sis. Reva flows in the ministry of the prophetic, and currently pastors in Louisville, KY. She believes nothing is impossible with God if we only believe. You will cry, laugh, and rejoice with her as the Spirit of God moves through her. Free, no registration required.
Saturday, February 27th at 6:00 p.m. — Celebratory Dinner
You’re invited to join us to a celebratory dinner to honor Pastors James and Brenda for 25 years of faithful service. The dinner will be catered. Cost for adults is $10/person. Childcare will be provided; children ages 2-9 years old, $3 each; children under the age of 2, free. Seating is limited, please see the bottom of this page to register now. RSVP must be received by Wednesday, February 10th. Register below, e-mail, or call 502-543-3265 and leave a message at extension 101. Registration required, see below.
Sunday, February 28th at 10:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. — Apostle Ron Morris
Apostle Ron Morris will be joining us Sunday morning at 10:30 for service as well as Sunday evening at 6:00. Apostle Ron is the pastor of Glad Tidings Church in Bangor, Maine. He has an incredible understanding of the Word of God, and the messages he brings to the body of Christ are critical to the days in which we live. If you want to go deep into the Word and the presence of God, don’t miss these two special services. Free, no registration required.
Send a Message to Pastors James and Brenda
We will present these messages to them during the celebration. Your message could include memories, a funny story, or how they impacted your life.
Dinner Registration